A man has been lauded for his detective work after setting up a camera to catch his neighbour in the act of feeding their dog trash. The incident sparked a discussion on the tribulations of neighbourly relations.

The saga began with a Reddit post complaining about a neighbour’s camera pointed directly at their yard. This prompted another user, requesting anonymity as “DJ”, to share his own experience with a “legit reason” for similar surveillance.


Trash in the Garden, Trouble with the Dog

DJ, posting on the subReddit MildlyInfuriating under the username u/AudsOrEvens, recounted how his family had been finding random bits of rubbish in their garden. They suspected their neighbour of chucking leftover food and waste over the fence.

“There was a time when our dog would suddenly get sick, throwing up and having stomach problems,” DJ told Newsweek. “We thought the neighbour might be feeding her through the fence.”

Lack of evidence about Trash feeding

Their suspicions reached a fever pitch when their dog came in with a piece of rubbish in its mouth. Exasperated, they called the police. However, without concrete evidence, the officers could only request the neighbour stop. DJ reported the neighbour “feigned ignorance, accusing us of making things up.”

Cameras do not lie

Having existing security cameras on his property, DJ decided to angle one directly at the fence line. Just a few weeks later, his wife found more rubbish in the yard. Checking the camera footage, they witnessed the incriminating act – their neighbour flinging rubbish over the fence, followed by their dog approaching it. The video, later uploaded to Reddit and garnering over 57,000 upvotes, clearly showed the neighbour observing the dog before casually returning home.

Is Feeding Someone’s Dog Trash a Crime?

This time, armed with video evidence, the police issued a citation. DJ explained, “The city said she could have faced jail time for ‘criminal mischief 3’.” This offence typically involves damaging or tampering with another person’s property.

DJ revealed that upon moving into the neighbourhood, they quickly realised their neighbour possessed “inconsiderate tendencies at best, and potentially criminal ones at worst.” Apparently, many other neighbours harboured similar grievances.

A 2022 survey by Lending Tree reinforces the notion of neighbourly complexities. The survey of 1,537 consumers found that 73% of Americans disliked at least one neighbour, with 23% having contacted the police about neighbourly disputes.

The Power of Cameras

Fortunately, for DJ and his family, the camera intervention seems to have resolved the issue. “We haven’t had any problems since,” he reported. “The neighbour seems to have moved on, although the occasional outburst still filters through.”

Reddit users applauded DJ’s actions, with some calling the neighbour “creepy” and questioning her motives. Others expressed support for his use of security cameras, highlighting the importance of protecting pets. One user chillingly commented, “Very lucky it was just trash. Some people poison animals this way.”

The ordeal served as a stark reminder of potential dangers lurking within neighbourhoods. Thankfully, DJ’s dog has made a full recovery. “The worst part was fearing for her safety,” DJ confided. He concluded, “That camera’s staying pointed in that direction until we move again.”

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