Expert opinion from Ramona Lehadus

Master of Research - MRes - MRes Nutrition & Metabolic Disorders · 3 years of experience · UK

Coriander can be frozen, regardless if it is fresh, dried or seeds. If it is fresh, the best way to freeze it is to chop it finely, put in a freezer bag and flatten it for easy use when needed; you can rip pieces off when you need and add them to your dish. You can also fill an ice cube tray with the chopped coriander and add a little olive oil or melted butter in each cube; this will make it very easy to use it, with an added bonus of a little fat which is always great, especially for steaks, roasts, grills or stews.

Expert opinion from Emma Eaves-Anderson

MSc in Human Nutrition and Public Health · 7 years of experience · UK

Yes, coriander can be frozen. When freezing it does tend to lose its shape, so is not ideal to use as a garnish in this way. A good idea is to chop it finely and freeze it with water in a ice cube tray so it can be added straight to dishes when cooking.

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Expert opinion from Madison Deakin

Bachelor's degree, Nutrition and Food science · 3 years of experience · Australia

Yes, you can safely freeze coriander for up to 4 months. We sure to portion the coriander, place in a freezer bag, remove as much air before you seal the bag and place in the freezer.

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